Levy Convention Centers
The below links provide access to download and save the Levy Convention Center Sustainability Practice brand assets including many logo variations, color and font usage instruction, messaging to use with property storytelling, logo application ideas, and more
Logo Variations For Download
Downloading Notice:
If your computer's default program for opening image documents is Microsoft Paint or Google Chrome, or your computer is setup to not be able to open files directly from a downloaded zipped file, you may experience an error message that indicates: "Cannot read this file. This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not supported".
If this occurs, you should contact Levy IT Support and request that your default program for opening PNG/ JPEG/ HEIC files be switched to Windows Photo Viewer or IrfanView for PC's. This will allow you to open the files.
Alternatively, there is another work-around to open these downloaded image files. You will need to save the full zipped file folder on your computer. Then, either cut or copy all of the images from within the zipped folder, and move to another folder that is not zipped. You should be able to open the files once they are not in the "zipped" state.
Levy Convention Centers
The below links provide further information on the sustainability & community driven partnerships and initiatives we are actively participating in as well as pursuing, for a more responsible future within our Convention Center Division Properties